About Us

Independent Energy Solutions specializes in the manufacturing of tailor made client solutions, to everyday operational challenges. Our products are designed for clients that love both cutting edge technology combined with environmentally beneficial products. Our goal is to change the way that industry looks at projects and show that development and advancement can happen while preserving what is of most important to future generations, our environment.

Our love for innovation and technology has combined to produce a suite of products that not only meet our client’s request but also provide real time updates of client’s operations from any computer, or web enabled device such as phones or tablets. Our product offering is based on the following 6 areas of expertise:

  • Electric Light Towers
  • Solar Light Towers
  • Wireless Monitoring (Frac, Gas & Security)
  • Custom Control System
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Electrical/Instrumentation Services
  • Water Management (Temp & Volume monitoring)
  • Solar Street Lights

Manufacturing of our products takes place in the picturesque town of Rocky Mountain House, located in west-central Alberta, Canada. It is located approximately 77 km west of the City of Red Deer at the confluence of the Clearwater and North Saskatchewan Rivers in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.

Our Team

Byron Eddy

VP Business Development
Env. Tech, EP
(Environmental Professional)

To view the IES Corp. 24 hour Monitoring website click here.

Head Office: 403-845-9640 Calgary Office: 587-351-9640 Email Us: Click Here